Emily Seifert
Emily Seifert - CMT (Certified Master Trainer) Training Director. Emily went through our trainers course and has been training with us for 3  years. She has been the Training Director Since 2022. She is a natural! She was a trained actress and uses those talents to help mimic  behavioral tells to our  service dogs. She also uses those talents to teach owners how to be actors while training their canine companions.
Gracie Evans
Gracie Evans - CMT (Certified Master Trainer) Manager Gracie went through our trainers course and has been training with us for two years. She brings a ton of energy and positivity to her training. She
has great enthusiasm and a great work ethic which is why she makes a great manager. The dogs naturally love  Gracie’s positive nature and infectious
personality. They look forward to seeing her every day. So do her co-workers as she makes everyone have a better day!
Clare Conway
Clare Conway - CT (Certified Trainer) Clare puts 110% into whatever she does. She loves to train and work with the dogs. Coming from a healthcare background she Is a positive asset when working with our Clients who have service dogs.

Clare has finished her online course training as well as hands on training requirement. She is now working independently with dogs and clients. Congratulations Clare!
Kay Scott
Kay Scott -  Kay has trained for 5 years in the Nashville area as
Well as being involved in protection work. She was
Also a veterinary assistant for 2 years. Kay brings strong
Integrity to the training arena. Kay will be taking our
Certification Course to add to her resume.
Mallory Lazar
Mallory Fletcher - CT (Certified Trainer) Groomer/Trainer Mallory has been a professional groomer since 2006. She first worked as a groomer for a veterinarian and then owned Central Bark Grooming in Fresno California from 2011-2014. During that time she was a Search and Rescue Dog handler from 2013-2015.

Mallory moved to Nashville in 2015 and started her new grooming business Bark Bath and Beyond from 2015 to current while at the same time training for K-9 Companions Nashville for over a year.

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