
The following 25 books are in the required reading, or suggested reading list for the dog trainers course. The first 5 books are written by Karen Duet owner/founder of K-9 Companions. The suggested reading books are based on the readers interests in the field of dog training. The final 4 books are for the curious reader regarding the subjects spoken about in the memoirs section of the book: Million Dollar Dog Trainer.

Million Dollar Dog Trainer
Dog Training 101
Advanced Schutzhund
The Business Security K 9 Selection and Training
The Home Family Protection Dog Selection and Training
The New Complete Dog Book
The Canine Kingdom of Scent
The Absolute Beginners Guide to Showing Your Dog
The Beginners Guide to Dog Agility
The 10 Minute Retriever
Canine Good Citizen
How Dogs Learn
Canine Behavior A Photo Illustrated Handbook
Behavior Problems in Dogs
Boarding Kennel Management 2nd Edition
Yellowstone Wolves
Therapy Dogs
The Well Adjusted Dog
The Ultimate Guide to Rally O
The Ultimate Service Dog Training Manual
Complete Book of Dog Obedience
38 Inspiring Tales of Bravery Heroism and the Devotion
Devoted 38 Extraordinary Tales of Love Loyalty and Life With Dogs
Pawverbs for a Dog Lovers Heart
Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds
What Every Body Is Saying
Providing Executive Protection Volume II
The third option An American view of counterinsurgency operations
Covert Action The CIA and the Limits of American Intervention in the Postwar World

Lasts four Books from Memoirs & Bibliography of Million Dollar Dog Trainer

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