“The simple act of kindness does more to preserve the human spiritthan all other gifts
combined. Its effects aren’t always evident at the outset, but will variably bloom in the end”.
George and Karen,Thank you for your kindness. You helped our family make a difficult decision. It was hard for us to accept that our dog, Max, was dangerous.
Your gentle, straight forward words and kind actions helped us make the best of a painfuland stressful situation. Thank you for realizing that “Fox” needed a good home and we needed a good dog that we could trust. He is a blessing to us. He is a good companion to our other dog “Matty” and he is very playful with our children yet protective of the
Thank you for your recommendation regarding the Buzzard House for supplies and Dr. Hicks as a veterinarian. Also, a special thank you to Tessa for our in home lesson with
“Fox”. bWith sincere appreciation,
The Afansev Family
Riverside, California